Welcome to

Balikowa Children Foundation

Who We are

Balikowa Children Foundation was upgraded to a non-governmental organization from a mere community based organization. So from 2017, Balikowa Children Foundation is a fully fledged independent organization with headquarters at Ivunamba, 4 kilometers from Jinja, a town in near eastern Uganda, about two hours away from Kampala the capital of Uganda. BCF now works in the; Provision of formal education for orphans and vulnerable children, Empowering widows financially and psycho-socially, Sensitizing communities about HIV/AIDS, Providing mobile palliative care for people living with AIDS (PLWA), Fighting poverty through pursuing income generating activities, And finally, spreading the word of a caring God.


Children's Home

Balikowa Children Foundation In the absence of a suitable home for orphaned and vulnerable children provides a home to care for them as they can meet that need.


Foster Care

These families are expected to treat the orphans as though they are their own children, by providing them with all basic needs under our direction.


Formal Education

Providing formal education for orphans and vulnerable children whose families are affected by AIDS.


Child Welfare

Assessing child welfare needs for orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children and coordinating resources for their care


Widows Empowerment

Empowering widows economically through pursuing income generating activities and vocational training.


HIV Sensitization

Sensitizing and educating communities about HIV/AIDS. • Providing mobile palliative care for people living with AIDS.

Our Theme Scripture (James 1:27 )

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. t"

Our programs and their impact

Years of Existence
Orphan Beneficiaries
Widows Empowered
Villages Impacted

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